Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Winston's 8mo update

Winston turned 8mo old today. Time flies! He is still a small thing. I weighed him today and he is 17lbs. He likes to eat, but he is also a busy body so I guess he burns it off quickly! He is able to eat pick up foods, such as puffs, yogurt melts and disolvable crackers. He just tried "real" sweet potatoes this past weekend and liked them!
He is all over the place these days. Crawling as fast as we can run after him. He loves to chase the dogs and crawl under the table. He also climbed up the stairs last week....didn't know he could do it but as we watched he climbed right up. Getting down is not as pretty! The exersaucer and jumperoo does not keep him entertained for long these days! Mom and Dad get a workout after we get home from work! He pulls up on anything he can get his hands on. He has begun to let go for a few seconds and then plops to the floor.
Winston has slowly been weened off of breast milk for the past 2mo and after this past weekend is solely on formula. After a couple of rough nights last week....teething???......he is sleeping until 5:30 or later. Sometimes he goes back to sleep until 8am, sometimes we have an early morning.
This past weekend Winston was able to play with Aunt Lenny and B on Friday night. They stayed and we celebrated B's birthday. Lenny, Mom and B took a girls trip to the beach on Sat and Winston played with Granny. We all had a great time. Winston will be playing with Granny next weekend as well while Mom and Dad go to the UNC vs UVA football game.

Winston loves to wave. He will wave bye-bye as well as wave hello! Most of the time he waves backwards, flexing his fingers towards himself.

Winston standing....for a few seconds anyway!

Winston playing at his table.

Happy birthday B! Winston loves helping unwrap the gifts!

Girls night out celebrating B's birthday!

Granny and all her grandkids

Monday, September 21, 2009

More Annapolis pics

Winston and the girls, the story of his weekend!

Winston enjoyed watching the boats during dinner....as well as playing with the spoons. He must have dropped one in the diaper bag because it went home with us...Winston the clepto!

Nana's B-day

Sunday we had a nice visit in Ahoskie for Joanna's, "Nana's", b-day. Winston also got to see his big cousins, Finn and Baron play soccer. He tried to play as well!

Baron, Dad and Winston.

And he's off again!

Granny with Winston and his cousins...minus Chloe. We hope to have that picture soon!

And he's off!

Winston is now on the move. He officially started what I would call truly crawling last Thursday and he hasn't slowed down since. He crawls to what ever he can get his hands on and pulls up. Wont be long before he is walking! He has started with finger foods and does a good job of getting it in his mouth....along with everything else! I have new video if I can ever get it to upload. Oh well! Will try again later.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Last Weekend

Dad and Winston

Mom and Winston getting ready for church....BTW I was trying to tickle his leg to get him to smile for the picture...kind of looks like I am pinching him...oops!

My new trick!

Yeah....you know you are cute!

Pics from WInstons first Pool party

Playing with Dad

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Labor Day Weekend in Annapolis

Over Labor Day Weekend Winston, B and I visited Lindsay in Annapolis. We had a wonderful time! Winston did great on the 7hr trip as well as being dragged around with a bunch of women! We even got to spend time with his best bud Tyler on the way home. Tyler was very nice and shared his toys...Winston took it upon himself to slobber all over them! I hope to have more pics from Lenny soon.
Winston has a new trick of standing in the crib. Lots of fun for him until he tries to get down. He is crawling short distances and then scoots. I have more pictures to post soon.
"But Mom, Winston is after my favorite ball!"

Who can knock over the cups first? See Winston's hand coming into the picture....not quite fast enough....shortly after the picture Tyler knocked them over!

Lots of slobber for Tyler's toys...thanks buddy!

You can tell Winston loved the shopping in Annapolis.

B....Winston has to wait until he is 5 before he has a Corona!

Swimming with Lenny. Mom thought it would be fun to sit him on the float and pull him around the pull. He loved it...and then toppled over. No tears but Mom was scolded by the lifeguard!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Winston playing with his dog

Last weekend at the river

Winston, Chip and I had a nice weekend in Washington at B's house...unfortunately B was not there, but we were able to spend time with Sissy and Lee. Winston loves the shallow water and beach. Friday night Winston was invited to his first birthday party for two of his friends Hosea and Bond. We hope to have pictures of their pool party up soon. Winston continues to attempt to crawl although hasn't quite figured it out. He also babbles....no mama yet...but he is beginning to say dada...not fair! Winston and I travel to Annapolis with B this weekend to visit Aunt Lenny. Wish us luck on the 5 hour trip!

Winston's new trick, waving....he doesn't always do it at the proper time.....

Playing in the river with Dad.

Love to splash!