Friday, October 23, 2009

Winston has been a busy boy the past couple of weeks. Last weekend he was able to see lots of friends and family, unfortunately it was for a sad event. We lost a special person who would surely of been a grandfather figure to Winston. On a happier note, Winston was able to help celebrate cousin Finn's and Granny's birthdays.
He continues to grow daily. He is eating more table food and wants to eat what we are eating. No steps yet, but he cruises around holding onto things and stands pretty well on his own. He loves to clap, wave and give 5....and play with anything he is not supposed to be playing with. Forget the cool toys that make noise and light up! He now has one top tooth in addition to his two bottom teeth and another top tooth that is almost in.
Winston's first ride on a John Deere with Daddy.

Winston and his boots. He was pooped and past out before I could take them off.

Winston loves to crawl after this little monster. He crawls past it and then waits for it to get to him!

Trying to crawl down steps. Careful!

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